A downloadable game for Windows

Fly the plug around obstacles to reach the socket.

Left Click - Shoot the plug

W A S D - moving while flying


DrugPlug_Final.exe 63 MB

Install instructions

Just double-click the .exe file...you can do this, I believe in you


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This was pretty good. I enjoyed it!


That's a damn good game. 

I like the game mechanics and idea. Its a pretty funny little game.

And whoever invented that name is a god damn Genius

The assets are also pretty cute tho.

Hello team member number 2 XD


I enjoyed this. Definitely one of the better games I have played on itch recently, good job! I think you should keep developing it a bit more.

I did notice a couple of issues. When flying close to the top of the level, the camera clips through the ceiling and I can no longer see the plug. Sometimes the death particle effect is still playing after respawning.

It is based on a simple mechanic so it is easy to get started, but the levels are not too easy that they are boring. I enjoyed trying to spot more difficult but faster routes, the quick restarting helped this not be frustrating.

Some suggestions for future development. 

  • Some kind of limited ability which allows the player to be more menuverable. Slow down time perhaps?
  • Groups(stages?) of levels could have set environment themes. Just for some more visual variety. Maybe the first set of levels are in an office, the next in a lab, the next in a kitchen...
  • Moving level elements could provide additional challenge.
  • Timer and/or a score system to help with replayability

Thanks for the feedback, these are some really good tips. I'll definetly add more polish and replayability into future projects. I probably won't continue developing this project, the feedback is still highly valuable :D